Affiliated Faculty

DE Affiliated Faculty


Suzana Sawyer (Associate Professor) - Research examines struggles over resources in the Ecuadorian Amazon, focusing specifically on conflicts over land and petroleum development among forest peoples, the state, and multinational oil companies.

Biological Systems Engineering

Fadi Fathallah (Professor) - Exposure assessment and development of interventions for prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among agricultural workers; basic understanding of the effects of stooped postures and stooped work on the spine; biomechanics of ladders in agriculture.
Bryan Jenkins (Chair and Professor) - Energy systems in agriculture, biomass fuel production, thermal conversion, and environmental impacts; combustion and gasification of biomass fuels; properties of fuels; system models.
Ruihong Zhang (Professor) - Bioenvironmental engineering. Treatment of agricultural and food wastes for pollution prevention and resource utilization; air quality control for animal and human environments; study of biological, physical, and chemical processing techniques for organic waste conversion and nutrient management; control of gaseous and particulate emissions from animal feedlots and food processing facilities.

Comparative Literature

●Neil Larson (Professor) – Critical Theory and its philosophical sources: Marxism, Comparative literature, Post-colonial and Latin-American literary studies (including Brazil).

Education (Ph.D.)

Heidi Ballard (Associate Professor and Chancellor’s Fellow) - Environmental Education; Citizen science; Participatory Action Research; In-service and preservice teacher learning; Science Education; Secondary Education; Service-learning.
Patricia Quijada (Associate Professor and Chancellor’s Fellow) - Latina/o and Native American identity formations in P-20 systems; Transition to college for students of color in K-12, Access; Retention and Educational equity in P-20 systems.


Mark Jerng (Associate Professor) - Asian American literature and transnationalism, critical race theory, science fiction and fantasy (especially by contemporary Asian American and African American authors), genre and narrative theory, and law and literature.
Desirée Martín (Associate Professor) - US-Mexico border studies and theory, Chicana/o and Latina/o studies, Transnational American studies, 19th and 20th century Mexican cultural production.
Michael Ziser (Associate Professor) - Image and agency of nonhuman nature in North American writing and visual arts, engaging with ecocriticism, agrarianism, eco-phenomenology, food studies, science studies, media studies, religious studies, and bioregionalist thought and practice.


Jonathan London (Associate Professor) - Environmental justice, rural community development, participatory action research, political ecology, Central Valley.
Mark Lubell (Professor) – Human behavior and the role of governance institutions in solving collective action problems and facilitating cooperation.
Beth Middleton (Associate Professor) - Native American community/economic development, political ecology, Federal Indian law, Native American natural resource policy, indigenous geography and cartography, Afro-indigeneity, intergenerational trauma and healing, environmental justice, multicultural dimensions of conservation, land use, and planning.
Michael Rios (Associate Professor) - Human geography, architecture, and urban planning.
M. Anne Visser (Assistant Professor) – Social inequality and equity, low wage and informal labor markets, socioeconomic integration and incorporation, public and urban policy.
Charles Walker (Professor) - Latin American history as well as natural disasters, truth commissions, social movements, and sports and empire.


Ari Kelman (Chancellor’s Leadership Professor of History) - The Civil War and Reconstruction, the politics of memory, environmental history, Native American history, and America in the 1960s.
Andrés Reséndez (Professor) - The dynamics of borderlands in North America, whether in terms of the emergence of ethnic or national identities or the prevalence of labor coercion and enslavement of indigenous peoples.
Charles Walker (Professor) - Latin American history as well as natural disasters, truth commissions, social movements, and sports and empire.


Raul Aranovich (Professor) - Language Structure and Theory: Syntax and morphology; descriptive, typological, and corpus linguistics; Spanish, Fijian, Shona.
Robert Bayley (Professor) - Sociolinguistics (Language Variation and Change, Language Socialization, Language Contact); Second Language Acquisition.
Robert Blake (Professor) - Spanish linguistics (history and syntax), second language acquisition, technology and language learning, foreign language policy, computer-assisted language instruction (CALL) and distance learning, history of the Spanish language. 
Julia Menard-Warwick (Professor) – Second Language Acquisition and Development: translingual practice; identity development; pedagogy and classroom discourse; life history narratives; gender; language ideologies. 
Vai Ramanathan (Chair and Professor) - Sociopolitical aspects of language learning and teaching, as they pertain to English, vernacular languages, globalization, language policies, teacher education, pedagogies, and literacy practices; languaging of bodies, ailments and "disabilities.”
Justin Spence (Assistant Professor) - Native American languages (especially Hupa and the other Pacific Coast Athabaskan languages), language documentation, and historical linguistics.


Carol A. Hess (Professor) – Music of Spain and the Americas.
Beth Levy (Associate Professor) - Twentieth-century American composers and the mythology of the American West, eighteenth- and nineteenth-century aesthetics, reception history, and representations of music in literature.
Henry Spiller (Professor) - Sundanese music and dance from West Java, Indonesia; particularly in investigating how individuals deploy music and dance in their personal lives to articulate ethnic, gender, and national identities.

Native American Studies

Liza Grandia (Associate Professor) - Q'eqchi' Maya; Belize & Guatemala; peasants, and agrarian change; corporate trade and globalization; foreign aid and empire; biodiversity conservation; political ecology and environmental justice; the politics of cancer; and theories of the commons.
Inés Hernández-Avila (Professor) - Native American/Indigenous Poetry; Contemporary Indigenous literature of Mexico; Native American Religious Traditions; Native American Literature in Performance; the relationship of creativity, spirituality, autonomy, and social justice; cultural (in)formations of identity and community; Native American women’s and Chicana spiritualities; creative writing/poetry/short fiction.
Zoila Mendoza (Professor) - Sociocultural Anthropology, Ethnomusicology, Performance and Dance Studies, Performance Practices in the Americas, particularly music, dance and festivals in Peru and the rest of the Andean region, Quechua language.
Beth Rose Middleton (Professor) - Native American community/economic development; political ecology, Federal Indian law, Native American natural resource policy, indigenous geography and cartography, Afro-indigeneity, intergenerational trauma and healing, environmental justice; multicultural dimensions of conservation, land use, and planning.
Jessica Bissett Perea (Associate Professor) - Native North American music cultures; Alaska Native, Circumpolar Inuit, and African-Native American cultures, histories, and politics; Indigenous aesthetics and methodologies; sound and media studies; critical race and gender studies; jazz and popular music studies.
Justin Spence (Associate Professor) - Native American languages (especially Hupa and the other Pacific Coast Athabaskan languages), language documentation, and historical linguistics.
Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie (Professor) - Visual Sovereignty, photography, video, multi-media installations and traditional Native American techniques.
Kathleen Whiteley (Assistant Professor) - Native American history in California, Women and Gender history, and American Studies. 

Performance Studies

David Grenke (Professor) - Embodied knowledge, performance and performativity in dance and choreography. 
Lynette Hunter (Professor) - Rhetoric of western democratic politics in writing genres and performance modes; sixteenth century liberal democratic rhetoric and its constraints on participation of different global communities; diversity and the creation of value through performance. 
Peter Lichtenfels (Professor) - Shakespeare, contemporary performance, devised theatre and dance, alternative theatres, theatre directing, and theories of acting. 
Jon Rossini (Associate Professor) - Performance Theory, History and Criticism. Intersections of ethnicity and performance, especially in contemporary Chicana/o and Latina/o Theatre. The epistemology of theatre as well as theories of neoliberalism, space, and identity.


Nolan Zane (Professor) - Clinical psychology issues, focusing on specific cultural variables that influence processes and outcomes of psychosocial interventions; development and evaluation of culturally oriented treatments for ethnic minority clients, change mechanisms in mental health interventions, program evaluation of substance abuse and mental health programs.


Cecilia Colombi (Professor) - Spanish linguistics, educational linguistics, sociolinguistics, Spanish in the United States, second language acquisition, writing development, typology of Spanish from the perspective of systemic functional linguistics.
Robert Irwin (Professor) - Mexican and Latin American Cultural Studies, Border Studies/Latino Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Mexican Golden Age Cinema, Sports Media Studies and Digital Storytelling.
Michael Lazarra (Associate Professor) – Contemporary Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies, Literature of the Southern Cone, Chile and Argentina, Revolutions, Memory Studies, Trauma, Violence, Human Rights, Film Studies.
Ana Pelufo (Professor) - Latin American literatures and cultures with an emphasis on the 19th and early 20th century. Areas of interest include gender and ethnicity, literature and the nation, Andean and Southern Cone cultures, poetry and visual arts.