Congrats to WHA Prize Winners Colton Brandau and Lauren Peters!!!

Congratulations to Colton Brandau & Lauren Peters!

Colton Brandau and Lauren Peters (Unangax̂) have both won prizes from the Western Historical Association (please read more information below)!!! Best wishes to you both as you prepare to travel to San Antonio this October 2022.



Congratulations to NAS PhD candidate Colton Brandau for winning a 2022 Graduate Student Prize from the Western History (includes a one-year WHA Membership, complimentary conference registration and tickets to the Welcoming Reception and Graduate Student Reception, and three nights of lodging in the conference hotel). Colton was also selected to present a paper at the conference titled “Old Wise Men Even Knew of California: Qikertarmiut Relations of Geography, Movement, and Mobility during Russian Colonialism.”


Congratulations to NAS PhD student Lauren Peters (Unangax̂) for winning a 2022 Indian Student Conference Scholarship from the Western History ($500 award plus the cost of conference registration and tickets to the WHA Welcoming Reception, Graduate Student Reception, Presidential luncheon, and Indian Scholars Luncheon). Lauren was also selected to present a paper at the conference titled “Sophia’s Return: Bringing Home Our Children from Indigenous Boarding School Cemeteries.”